Journal Entry 2: Believing And Doubting

“…But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security…” ~ Declaration Of Independence, 1776

Those who have the ability have the responsibility to take action. If the government becomes too much for themselves, we need to take action to return our government to the state our Founding Fathers intended our government to be. Our government should not be a government by the government, of the government, and for the government, but as stated for the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE. We need to return to our roots and limit government. Government is a necessity, but it shouldn’t be given the power that it has.

Doubting (Do I Have To? I Agree With My Believing Side…):
This passage could be taken out of context. It says you have the responsibility to take action. That could lead to a coup, an coups could lead to massive riots, and that could cause massive civil unrest, which is exactly what our country does not need. Our government keeps our country in shape. Without our government, there is no structure within our country.

5 Responses to “Journal Entry 2: Believing And Doubting”

  1. bethbistline Says:

    Believing: Throughout history governments have had a tight reign over the nation and countless times the citizens have revolted and made a better life for themselves. I believe that it is a citizen’s obligation to reform the government to improve the lives of everyone.

    Doubting: This passage could be dangerous because the populace might go overboard with this and revolt unnecessarily. There are ways to fix the nation other than throwing off the government.

  2. bmarshallccc Says:

    Believing: The USA was founded by people who were tired of overly powerful goverment, and they couldn’t stand for it any longer. The founding fathers did what they felt right and in doing so set a precedent later followed by many countries since. This single passage has done the world a lot of good.

    Doubting:(Right there with you, I dont want to doubt!!)
    The government is a set of elite people. The people doing the governing have the power and have the right to use it. If the population is in disagreement with the elite then they might as well leave or just turn themselves in to the authorities.

  3. Journal entry #3 « Bmarshallccc's Blog Says:

    […] […]

  4. 4nataro Says:

    Believing: The founding fathers believed in the American people so much that they wanted to make sure that the power stayed with in their hands and did not transer to some tyranical government. I would agree with the post before that that passage has done the world a lot of good.

    Doubting: My doubts on this passage are not really against the passge but the potential interpretations by groups or individuals. I think that their are a lot of anarchist and outsider groups that feel any government is to overpowering and would spend their fighting off even the best of gov’s

  5. journal 3 « 4nataro's Blog Says:

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